Whether you perform one root canal treatment per month or one per hour, it’s all about having confidence in your technique. GuttaCore® gives you that confidence with its warm gutta-percha that you send flowing three-dimensionally throughout the entire canal system with the ease of a single insertion. Create a better obturation experience compared to cold lateral or warm vertical techniques for you and your patients with GuttaCore®.
GuttaCore® Obturators are made of thermoset cross-linked gutta-percha that provides a subtle, flexible strength. GuttaCore® obturators remove easily with a rotary file or post space drill for retreatment.
GuttaCore® sized and color-coded to precisely match your file system so you can shape and obturate with confidence.
Delivering Gutta-Percha in latereral and accessory canals, beyond challenging curves and into the apex.
The warm gutta-percha flowability allows to obturate even challenging cases with confidence.
Offers the ease of a single insertion so patients spend less time in your chair.
Compared to other techniques GuttaCore® delivers the highest gutta-percha content with fewer apical and coronal voids than cold lateral techniques.2
To achieve apical adaptation of the master cone, warm vertical techniques must be 3-5 mm from the working length.3 Yet thermal penetration of the gutta-percha was limited — with significant thermal effect rarely exhibited more than 4-6 mm into the material.4
Significantly lower retreatment time than Thermafil® Plus and Warm Vertical techniques.1
"Even around curves, you can see how GuttaCore® fills all the areas of the apical anatomy."
Dr. Munir Battikhi, Minneapolis, MN
GuttaCore® combines the carrier based technique with the warm vertical technique, being the first crosslinked gutta-percha core obturator that centrally compacts and flows warm gutta-percha equally in 3-dimensions throughout the entire canal. It also offers the ease of a single insertion, so your patients spend less time in your chair.
The CuttaCore® obturator is entirely made of cross-linked gutta-percha with sufficient strength to be placed into demanding anatomical confines, such as severely curved canals or canals that are difficult to reach. The obturator is heated in the oven and the hydraulic forces send the warm gutta-percha flowing in three dimensions, throughout the entire canal system, offering a superior 3D fill. It removes easily, too as there is no plastic core remaining in the root canal.
1. Internal testing. Data on file.
2. Quality of obturation achieved by an endodontic core-carrier system with crosslinked gutta-percha carrier in single-rooted canals.; Li GH et al., J Dent. 2014, 42(9): 1124–1134
3. Analysis of continuous-wave obturation using a single-cone and hybrid technique.; Guess GM et al., JOE. 2003, 29(8):509-12
4. Effect of varying the depth of heat application on the adaptability of gutta-percha during warm vertical compaction.; Smith RS, et al. JOE. 2000, 26(11):668-72
5. Effectiveness of different final irrigant activation protocols on smear layer removal in curved canals.; Caron G, Machtou P.; J Endod. 2010
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