Dentsply Sirona offers a comprehensive warranty program1. for all genuine implant products provided by Dentsply Sirona.
In addition, the program covers warranty for patient – specific Atlantis solutions, available for major implant systems2.
Dentsply Sirona offers all treating clinicians, users of Dentsply Sirona genuine products, an opportunity to be included in the Dentsply Sirona Implants Warranty Program.
The warranty program gives additional protection and security to clinicians providing treatment to their patients.
The warranty terms and conditions are exclusively for the benefit of eligible treating clinicians and are not for the benefit of any other person or entity, including any patients, dental laboratories and other intermediate suppliers.
For full warranty information, download the detailed terms and conditions in the "Downloads" section below.
"If an implant supplier does not honor their warranty due to the use of an Atlantis solution, Dentsply Sirona will replace the implant, abutment and crown."
Dr. Ylva Guidotti, General practioner, Stockholm, Sweden
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