Choose the EV Implant Family for surgical flexibility and restorative clarity. All three implant body designs give access to the same restorative platform thanks to a common EV connection. So, you can work according to your preferences, without restricting members of your team and other partners.
The implants also share proven innovations from Astra Tech Implant System EV for maintaining bone and soft tissue stability, while the consistency of workflows, tools, torque values and colour coding improve efficiency and reduce the need for training.
All implants in the EV Implant Family use proven biological innovations from Astra Tech Implant System EV. Backed by science, so you and your patient can be confident in the outcome.
All implants in the EV Implant Family use the same prosthetics, workflows, tools, torque values, colour coding and more. This develops expertise and reduces the need for inventory and training.
The EV connection gives all implants access to the same EV Prosthetics assortment. Available in a choice of materials to suit your chosen restoration method and aesthetic demands, whatever EV implant is used.
EV Implant Family consists of three premium implants with different designs for your preferred surgical technique. You can choose from five implant diameters, seven lengths and five implant shapes to meet any clinical need.
DS Signature workflows from scan to crown mean fewer steps, less risk and reduced chairtime. Efficiency increases patient flow, while clearer communication with patients also leads to higher case acceptance.
About EV Implant Family
Based on four decades of continuous development, and successful innovations proven by 1,100 clinical studies, Astra Tech Implant System EV has pioneered the development of biologically-driven implant designs for natural aesthetics and lasting bone care. These proven innovations are now the shared DNA of all implants in the EV Implant Family:
All implants in the EV Implant Family have the same EV connection. This means you can choose your preferred implant system without placing restrictions on partners. As well as one-position only placement of Atlantis patient-specific abutments, the unique interface design provides six-position indexing for prefabricated abutments and seating in any rotational position for non-indexed abutments.
A chemically modified titanium surface, with a unique nanoscale topography, which stimulates early bone healing and speeds up the healing process. The result is increased bone formation and stronger bone-to-implant bonding. The clinical benefits of OsseoSpeed are both proven and well documented. Based on a Systematic Review and meta-analysis1, OsseoSpeed is significantly better at maintaining marginal bone than competitors’ surfaces, in both 1-year and 5-year follow-ups.
Since bone tissue is designed to carry loads, MicroThread mechanically stimulates the surrounding bone in order to preserve it. This is especially important at the implant-bone interface located at the marginal cortical bone, because it is here that peak stresses occur. So minute threads on the implant neck offer optimal load distribution and stress values.
Conical Seal Design provides a tight, strong and stable fit between implant and abutment, reduces peak stresses and thereby preserves the marginal bone. The interior of the implant is sealed off from surrounding tissue, minimising micromovements and microleakage.
This three-dimensional chamber is created between the horizontal offset on the implant and the outer design of the abutment. It allows for an increased connective soft tissue contact zone both in height and volume, which integrates with the transmucosal part of the implant, with the effect of sealing off and protecting the marginal bone.
The OsseoSpeed surface used for OmniTaper EV Implants is unparalleled when it comes to marginal bone maintenance, according to a recent meta-analysis1 conducted by Dr. Michael Norton. Some of the key findings:
1. Norton, MR, Åstrom, M, The Influence of Implant Surface on Maintenance of Marginal Bone Levels for Three Premium Implant Brands: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants 2020;35(6):1099-111
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