Palodent® matrix systems help you achieve reliable isolation with a tight gingival seal. With Dentsply Sirona’s advanced designs, recreating accurate interproximal contacts has never been so easy and predictable. And the anatomically shaped matrices deliver natural contours for better clinical outcomes—without bulky equipment, obstructions to your working room, or the need for extensive interproximal finishing.
When using resin-based restoratives, both isolation and accurate contact creation are essential for successful Class II outcomes. Palodent® sectional and circumferential matrix systems are designed to help you get it right the first time, every time. The ring, wedge, and sectional matrix band or circumferential matrix band are all designed to complement the tooth’s natural anatomy, working together to isolate, seal and shape the restoration.
Dentsply Sirona has continuously improved matrix technology to deliver the most advanced sectional and circumferential systems available.
On the left, poor contact creation can lead to fractures, food impaction, gingival inflammation and recurrent caries.1 A properly formed contact is broad and convex with the contact area at the middle third of the tooth, as shown on the right.
The anatomically shaped Palodent® matrices deliver natural contours for better clinical outcomes—without bulky equipment, obstructions to your working room, or the need for extensive interproximal finishing.
Easily achieve natural contours and tight contacts for improved outcomes. The Palodent® V3 system is ideal for composite restoration of most two-surface proximal Class II cavities.
Palodent® 360 circumferential matrix bands can be for all Class II restorations, but especially useful for difficult Class II Cases when there is no adjacent tooth, too much tooth structure is missing to use a sectional matrix, or if there is a mis-aligned or severely rotated tooth.
1. Rosenburg, Jeffrey M. (2013). Dentistry Today. Making Contact: A Method for Restoring Adjacent Posterior Direct Resin
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