Indirect Restorative Foundational Courses Overview


These beginner-level courses are ideal for those new to the field or looking to refresh their basic knowledge. The two interactive courses will equip participants with the skills to utilize digital technology and workflow effectively, ensuring the delivery of high-quality dental care while repairing and restoring teeth. Additionally, participants will learn how to effectively present a diagnosis and treatment plan to maximize patient understanding of your recommended treatment plan. By the end of the Foundational courses, you will have a solid understanding of the essentials of indirect restoratives. This will enable you to progress confidently to our intermediate-level course series, the Procedure-Based courses.


Key Takeaways

  • Reviewing digital smile and CAD/CAM design and manufacturing
  • Reading 2D Panoramic X-Rays and CBCT radiographs
  • Creating a systematic treatment plan for restorative care
  • Understanding the value of high-quality dental photography
  • How to produce digital and analog impressions
2 Courses

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Indirect Restorative Course Series

Procedure-Based Courses

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