Designed for one file endo, Reciproc™ Blue enables you to prepare root canals with only one reciprocating instrument - without creating an initial glidepath.* Reciproc™ Blue instruments are produced with Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) that undergoes innovative heat treatment to give it increased flexibility, resistance to cyclic fatigue and it’s characteristic blue color.
The reciprocating instrument alternates between clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. A rotation of 360° is completed in several reciprocating movements. Due to the fact that the rotation in the cutting direction is larger than the reverse rotation, the instrument advances towards the apex. Reciproc™ Blue is a universal and flexible instrument for the majority of cases.
“The centering ability of the reciprocation motion, and the design of the RECIPROC blue instrument and its enhanced physical properties allow the RECIPROC blue to follow the path of least resistance, which is the canal, without any prior instrumentation, and to be used efficiently for the preparation of strongly curved and calcified canals without a glide path.”
Dr. Ghassan Yared; DDS, MSc, RCDC(F) Endodontist
The reciprocating movement is the most basic backwards and forwards movement that is known from hand files. Reciproc files use a very precise mechanical reciprocating movement: The instrument alternates between clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. A rotation of 360° is completed in several reciprocating movements. Since the rotation in the cutting direction is larger than the reverse rotation, the instrument advances towards the apex.
Reciproc instruments offer all the advantages attached to root canal preparation with only one instrument and the possibility to eliminate initial hand filing in the majority of cases without losing efficiency. The file design combined with its genuine motion lead to less instrument fracture1. Root canal preparation with Reciproc files is easy to learn compared to rotary systems – also for new users.
With the reciprocating technique, the instrument is advanced apically with a pecking motion in sets of three pecks. After each set of three pecks, remove the instrument, clean the flutes and irrigate the canal (see step by step card). In case of oval canals, the instruments should be used in a brushing motion to reach parts of the canal which are not reached with the pecking motion alone.
The reciprocating movement relieves stress on the instrument and, therefore, reduces the risk of cyclic fatigue caused by tension and compression. At the same time, reciprocation ensures that the instrument stays centered in the canals1.
Shaping with R25 can be done without creating an initial glide path in most of the cases1 (with SST hand files or mechanical glide path instruments) until reaching 2/3 of the estimated working length. Only then exact working length is determined using an apex locator and bringing an ISO size 10 hand instrument to full working length. In that same step, the hand instrument is also used for scouting the curvature. In case the scouting hand instrument needs to be pre-bent to reach working length or does not reach working length at all, the creation of a glide path until ISO size 15 is required. This procedure is possible thanks to the cutting efficiency of the Reciproc instruments and the centering ability of the reciprocating movement. The instrument follows the natural canal anatomy and the reciprocating motor settings ensure that the load on the instrument does not exceed its elastic limit. Thus, even if the tip of the file gets blocked in the canal, the risk of file breakage is minimized.
*in the majority of cases.
1. Internal data on file. For more information contact
2. Internal data, VDW Munich, EU launch of reciprocating motion date 2010. For more information contact
3. In comparison to a traditional rotary file system. Internal data on file. For more information contact
4. In comparison to a traditional file system. Internal data on file. For more information contact
5. Compared to Reciproc™