The sterilisation of DAC Universal S is not only bactericidal, mycobactericidal and fungicide but also fully virucidal. Proven full virucidal1 efficacy.
Efficacy spectrum with relevant examples:
Process safety through automatic programme selection. LAN interface for electronical documentation.
Low operating and consumption costs – no use of cleaning and disinfection chemicals and only up to 900 ml water consumption per cycle.
Six instruments in approx. 21 minutes; internal and external cleaning, lubrication (if needed) and sterilisation of straight and contra-angle handpieces, turbines, ultrasonic / sonic handpieces and tips, nozzles of multifunctional syringes and powder jet devices as well as powder jet handpieces.
Cleaning and sterilisation process which can be validated. Cleaning process in accordance with EN ISO 15883-1 / -22. Sterilisation process in accordance with EN ISO 130602 and ISO 17665-1. Routine Control with chemical indicator class 5 and PCD (Process Challenge Device)
This workflow represents a single cycle of the reprocessing of rotating instruments with the Programme Pink Lid. With the White Lid, the process is identical but without the lubrication step.
"Reprocessed instruments in next to no time!"
This is a selection of adaptors for straight and contra-angle handpieces. To view all available adaptors, please download the document "Ordering Information - Adaptors" found in the Downloads Centre. Please check the compatibility list for authorised ultrasonic / sonic handpieces and tips, nozzles of multifunctional syringes and powder jet devices as well as powder jet handpieces.
Further downloads are provided within our Download Centre.
Find out which of the ultrasonic handpieces and tips you use are compatible with the DAC Universal S Green Lid adaptors.
1. Tested with temperature resistent paraviruses.
2. Does not fully comply with all requirements. Details can be found in the instructions for use, chapter 3.7 "Supplementary information on compliance with EN ISO 15883-1/-2 and EN
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