A good adhesive is not measured by bond strength alone. In fact, many dentists consider low film thickness and viscosity as equally important. Prime&Bond elect Universal Dental Adhesive’s clinically proven PENTA (dipentaerythritol penta acrylate monophosphate) technology chases away water, enabling a strong bond with less sensitivity. It also features excellent bond strength and cures clear. It’s time to think beyond the bond.
In direct restorations, thick adhesives can pool in the corners of the proximal box. These adhesive pools can show up as translucent areas on a radiograph, which can easily be mis-diagnosed as a void, gap, or secondary decay, leading to unnecessary replacement. Thicker adhesives may also change the crown prep geometry, impacting crown fit.
Prime&Bond elect adhesive provides a lower film thickness of resin-dentin and resin-enamel interfaces.1,2
Prime&Bond elect adhesive is built on the chemistry of one of the world’s most widely used and clinically tested adhesives. PENTA chemistry provides a unique micromechanical and chemical bond for long-term success. Not only does the chemistry use acetone to chase water from the prep, but unlike the MDP adhesive monomer which contains just one vinyl group, PENTA contains five vinyl groups (for locking into resin). Because of this structural advantage, adhesives with PENTA are better able to resist degradation of the bond.
Although the strongest bond in the mouth is to etched enamel, over-etching dentin is a leading cause of post-op sensitivity. Prime&Bond elect Universal Dental Adhesive gives you the flexibility to use the etching technique that is most appropriate for the situation.
The clear color of Prime&Bond elect adhesive helps to ensure that the esthetic outcome of your restoration is not compromised2.
Prime&Bond elect adhesive maintains impressive mechanical stability of the resin by limiting the amount of water absorbed by the adhesive. Too much water can degrade the bond over time, causing it to fail prematurely. Consistent bond strength across varied moisture levels is paramount for a durable bond.
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1. Not a registered trademark of Dentsply Sirona Inc.
2. Andre F. Reis. DDS, MS, PhD. Film Thickness FE-SEM evaluation. Unpublished commissioned study, data on file. For more information, contactConsumables-Data-Requests@dentsplysirona.com
* Internal data on file. For more information, contact Consumables-Data-Requests@dentsplysirona.com